Datasharp UK

Datasharp launches next generation broadband early in Cornwall


Businesses in Cornwall are to benefit from next generation broadband connectivity far sooner than anticipated thanks to the work of Datasharp.

We’ve launched Optimum Connect – a range of products using next generation technology to bring super-high speeds to premises in Cornwall, making next generation connection available today.

Making optimum use of lines already available, we are now providing fibre-optic connections (and, where appropriate, other super-fast technologies) to customers in even remote parts of Cornwall.

“Fibre optic infrastructure has been under development for many years,“ explained technical director of Datasharp Allan Williams, “Optimum Connect takes advantage of next generation connectivity today utilising all access methods available including those offered by BT Group.”

Next generation broadband networking has been hailed as a major boost for small and medium sized businesses in Cornwall, bringing with it a revolution in telephone and internet connectivity, carrying voice and data down the same high-speed line.

Operating at speeds never before seen, next generation connectivity is set to make remote working more accessible and massively enhance telephony and internet services. Businesses will be able to unify their voice and internet traffic – cutting costs and solving historic issues such as slowing of signal with distance from the exchange and giving equal speeds in both directions.

Despite an EU subsidy of £53.5m for BT to bring next generation connectivity to Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly Cornwall’s business community has been told not to expect access to this new technology until 2014.

The Westcountry was revealed to have one of the worst connection rates in the country in last year’s Digital Britain survey with 20 per cent of people not getting even reaching a slow 2mb/s connection.

If this sounds familiar, get in touch with us today to find out more about Optimum Connect and we can get your business into the Cornish broadband fast lane.

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